Sunday, January 24, 2016

Is Exercise Safe for Asthmatics?

Is Exercise Safe for Asthmatics?

By: Diana Statham
An asthma patient generally has sensitive air passages, or airways, resulting in difficult breathing for the patient when these air passages are irr
itated from an atmospheric change.
As mentioned earlier, it is crucial to note that some sports will have a higher probability of inducing attacks in an asthmatic. However this does not mean that an asthmatic cannot exercise safely.
If an asthmatic is looking for a safe sport, researchers point to swimming as the best possible sport for asthmatics as the breathing required rarely if ever causes chest tightness among swimmers. Although, participating in another form of exercise that would require exactly the same about of oxygen to circulate might not cause the same reaction in the participant.
Of course, some asthmatics will experience acute attacks when they enter the swimming pool. Researchers needed to find an explanation, and it did not prove difficult to explain the reason. Some asthmatics are very sensitive to chlorine, as an irritant. Thus, it is not possible to state that swimmers who are asthmatic do not have attacks.
Running of any type is often a terrible idea for asthmatic patients as it will, in some people, trigger an almost immediate attack. However, recent treatment advances have enabled some athletes who were previously unable to run for more than a few seconds to adapt their exercise routines to include running.
If an asthma patient is in a situation where they are breathing heavily, it may trigger the start of an asthma attack. cheapest car servicing Common instances of heavy breathing include not only exercising, but also the breathing tests required for the diagnosis of asthma.
Yes, if you are an asthmatic you should exercise. There remain many choices for type of exercises and sports. Asthma-afflicted athletes should get an appointment with a
sports medicine specialist who will be able to address athletic medical issues with the patient. The specialist may also be able to provide useful tips and innovative treatment methods to the asthmatic that other physicians might not have considered trying.
Sports which involve short bursts of activity interspersed with short periods of rest make great activities for the asthmatic. Some examples include; swimming, team sports like football or softball, volleyball and yoga or Pilates. Generally, the time required for exercise induced acute attacks to occur is six minutes of constant heavy breathing.
As inspiration to continue exercising and participating in sports, it is key to notice that many past Olympians have also been asthma sufferers who managed their condition carefully, with the input and treatment plan of their physician.
These steps, if followed in combination with a personalized asthma treatment plan, will help the patient to have a successful and healthy exercise routine:
  • Warm up properly, and do not forget to cool down.
  • Avoid exercising in dry, cold air. If it cannot be avoided, be sure to cover both mouth and nose.
  • Stay in good physical shape - Staying healthy will increase an athlete's ability to successfully avoid asthma attacks during exercise periods.
Many patients will require not just a preventative or reactive medication, but a tailored combination of both types of medications in order to provide them with maximum relief from their illness. Most physicians agree that the desired outcome it to get the maximum relief from the minimum amount of medication.

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Tips To Boost Your Metabolism

a high metabolic rate increases the amount of calories, or energy, the body burns on a daily basis. Without optimal metabolism the body will store excess calories as fat for future use. The problem for many people is they don�t ever use these excess calories and as a result struggle with weight issues.
There are many factors that affect a person�s metabolism including age, weight, hormonal changes, lean muscle mass, diet, genetics, stress and the amount of physical activity undertaken on a daily basis. As you can see boosting your metabolism involves many factors, but the fact of the matter is that it is relatively easy to boost your metabolism if you are committed to doing so.
Here are 11 tips to help you boost your metabolism:
1. Build lean body mass. As we age our bodies metabolism or ability to burn calories decreases. One way to offset this problem is by exercising. Lean muscle burns calories and the more you have the more calories you burn, even while resting. You can build muscle through resistance or weight training at least twice a week. You can also boost your metabolism by doing cardio exercises. You can choose to do this between or in conjunction with weight training. Simply going for a walk or using the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to get in an aerobic workout.
2. Eat Breakfast. Many people ignore eating breakfast. What they don�t realize is that it�s the most important meal of the day. Breakfast gives your metabolism a boost and provides a consistent energy supply throughout the day. The majority of people who eat a healthy breakfast have fewer weight and health issues than those who don�t.
3. Sugar is bad. Processed and refined sugar such as found in sweets and soft drinks overload the body with sugar causing many serious health issues including obesity and diabetes. Complex carbohydrates are a better energy source because they supply an even level of blood sugar. The human body just isn�t built to deal with the large amounts of refined sugar most people include in their diet.
4. Spicy foods that make you sweat can help boost your metabolism.
5. Get a good night�s sleep. There is research that shows that people who do not get sufficient sleep tend to gain weight. This may be because the body uses sleep to heal and regenerate itself, including its muscular system.
6. Drink more water. Water is the lubricant of the body. It also flushes toxins out of the body and keeps the kidneys operating at maximum efficiency. This allows the liver more time to do what it does best, metabolize fat stores.
7. Eat small meals. Eat 5 to 6 small meals per day spaced 20 to 3 hours apart. This gives the body a steady supply of energy and prevents binge eating.
8. Don�t miss meals. Skipping meals in order to loose weight is counter productive because it actually slow metabolism and can lead to over eating.
9. Plan your meals. If you have a daily or weekly menu you are much more likely to stick to your plan.
10. Drink green tea. Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism and unlike coffee does not stress the body with caffeine.
11. Include more high energy foods in your diet including fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These provide a more balanced energy source and will not cause blood sugar spikes.
Boosting your metabolism can be done if you are dedicated to doing it. This does not mean you need to stress over each little thing but if you eat right and exercise you should see a decrease in body fat and a much more energetic and happy you.
For more tips to boost your metabolism and for more information about metabolism please click here.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

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Monday, January 11, 2016

More Than Just Bone Health

The Many Reasons Why Your Body Needs Vitamin D
Vitamin D might just be the most popular nutrient to ever exist; products that contain high amounts of this vitamin, such as milk and breakfast cereals, proudly boast this fact on their packaging. This immense popularity is well deserved, as vitamin D is essential to ensuring prolonged bone health. In fact, the reason your favorite brand of milk contains vitamin D is to protect your bones. Starting in the 1930s, the US government began fortifying milk with vitamin D to combat rickets, a then widespread condition that causes bones to become soft and weak.
Despite its sterling reputation, many Americans fail to get enough vitamin D on regular basis; the National Center for Health Statistics estimates that 36 percent of Americans fall into this category, though a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine put this figure at a much higher 77 percent. Regardless of actual number, it is safe to say that the diets of many Americans are sorely lacking in Vitamin D.
The problem of vitamin D deficiency is magnified when all of the benefits of this nutrient are taken into consideration. While it's common knowledge that vitamin D helps build strong and resilient bones, research has linked vitamin D consumption with reduced risks of depression, muscle pain and even cancer. Below are some of the lesser-known benefits of wildly popular vitamin.
Depression - Neglecting vitamin D might be the reason for your downbeat attitude. A team of researchers from the University of Texas recently concluded a massive study on depression and vitamin D, observing 12,500 participants over a four year span. The researchers found that subjects with exceedingly low levels of vitamin D were most at risk to suffer from depression. These findings were echoed by another study conducted by an American-based doctor, who found that her patients' depression symptoms improved dramatically after taking significant amounts of Vitamin D supplements.
Dementia - A study released in 2010 suggested a possible link between vitamin D deficiency and dementia. This particular study examined 858 adults over the age of 65, and found that subjects with the lowest levels of vitamin D were also the most likely to suffer from dementia symptoms. Specifically, elderly subjects deficient in vitamin D were 60% more likely to experience a general decline in cognitive abilities, and 31% more likely to have problems organizing their daily activities.
Muscle and Bone Pain - Do you frequently deal with pain in both your muscles and bones? The blame for this persistent problem might lie with your diet. A 2003 study sought to explain why 150 children and adults suffered from chronic bone and muscle pain. The one common factor in all 150 subjects? A noticeable deficiency in vitamin D.
Six years later, a report issued by the prestigious Mayo Clinic reinforced this theory, noting that patients afflicted with chronic pain had worse symptoms if their diets lacked vitamin D. According to Mayo Clinic doctors, subjects low in vitamin D required twice the amount of pain medication as other patients.
For those suffering with joint pain, a vitamin D supplement might prove especially useful. One such supplement with an impressive track record of success is Arthri-D3®, which contains 1000 IU (individual units) per serving.
Being Overweight and Obese - Extra body weight is typically associated with a junk food-heavy diet. While this notion is usually true, new evidence indicates that low levels of vitamin D can also lead to a bigger waistline. A researcher from the University of Michigan found that people lacking in vitamin D were particularly susceptible to rapid gains in weight. Likewise, a study authored by the University of Minnesota reported that increasing vitamin D consumption could assist with weight loss. Of course, vitamin D alone won't shed those excess pounds, so people who are overweight or obese should still exercise regularly and eat healthier.
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Monday, January 4, 2016

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Body Building

BODY BUILDING - The Art Of Beauty


Man has always strived for maximum strength and physical perfection since time immemorial. A man with good physique and graceful body has always been looked upon with admiration everywhere. Men like Apollo, Hercules, Samson, Rustam and Sohrab will always be remembered with respect till their successes dazzle the world with more beautiful and proportionate bodies. A nation’s health is the nation's wealth. This is an old saying and every nation can boast of having produced men of towering strength and enviable physical perfection. Towards the end of the last century the late Fugene Sandow started schools in England to build graceful symmetrical bodies. The movement took the populace by storm and gained such a vast popularity that it spread all over Europe and America in no time.
Body Building is the process of developing muscle fibers through the combination of weight training, increased caloric intake, and rest. Body Building originated from the Greeks believe it or not. Their basic idea was to celebrate the human body and it's functions. Back then, however, it was much different than it is now. They weren't so concerned with symmetry, just being massive and strong. Today's idea of being symmetrical along with being massive and strong stems from the Victorian ages. Now, Body Building and strength training is considered mainly for health reasons and just to look good.
The easiest way to assure both proper energy before Body Building and to replenish that glycogen afterwards is to consume a whole food nutrition supplement both before and after a workout.
Nutrition is by far the most important factor and is almost always responsible for either success or failure in bodybuilding and most fitness programs. Although very complex, a basic understanding can guide anyone in the right direction. As you progress in your bodybuilding and fitness programs and gain further understanding of the relationship between performance, recovery and nutrition, you'll be able to find certain nutritional strategies and manipulations that will help drive you to new heights.
In order to add muscle tissue you must force the body to add it. Your body won't just add a pound of muscle just because you followed a 3-set workout that you read about in Muscle + Fitness. You need to give the body a reason to make improvements in the case add muscle tissue. You have to provide what I call a 'stimulus'. This can be done in many ways and I'll address a few in just a moment. Basically, you need to force the body to add muscle by subjecting it to levels of stress it is not used to. Some methods are more obvious than others but all can work. Here are a few examples of how this can be done effectively.
First, the basic and common methods:
1. Increase weight or resistance
2. Perform more repetitions
3. Perform more sets
4. Move the resistance slower
5. Rest less between sets and exercises
The key to Muscle Building is diet and exercise. Exercise will improve your muscle
tone, help you control your weight, reduce your blood pressure, help prevent heart disease, and it will improve the functioning of almost every one of your essential systems, from digestion to sleep. The amount of exercise you do depends on the shape you are in, and what you believe your ideal physique to be. When creating a Muscle Building regimen, it is important to keep in mind your level of weight training experience. If you do not have a great deal of experience it is important to ease into a weight training routine. As a rule of thumb, three to four workouts per week of at least thirty minutes should keep you healthy. It is essential to do research, or consult a nutritionist when figuring out a diet which will support you in building muscle. A well balanced diet is crucial when building muscle.
"The key is to stimulate muscle growth with the least amount of training in the shortest period of time."
Remember, if you have not stimulated enough muscle mass in a workout session, all the excess calories consumed are either excreted or deposited as body fat. Studies indicate that 95 percent of trainees simply don’t train hard enough to warrant an appreciable and consistent size and strength increase on a workout by workout basis. And yet they still continue to eat big to get big. Let me point out that you will get big if you eat big but it is often fat and not lean muscle mass. You don’t need 6-7 meals a day to build muscle and minimize the deposit of body fat. In fact, all that really matters is that total calories consumed in a day must exceed your Basal Metabolic rate
The essence of Body Building can be summarized as follows: feed the muscles enough calories to help the growth process and no more. “More is not always better”. Consuming more calories than what is necessary to serve the growth process causes your body to work harder to digest food and misuses valuable energy that could be better used to serve the growth process. The rest of the excess calories are usually turned into body fat and/or excreted. If we stimulate five pounds of muscle per training session and our next workout is 3 weeks away we need only 3000 calories in a space of three weeks to serve the growth purpose. Now when you divide 3000 calories by 21 days you have a little over 145 calories a day.
To do Body Building or any task you have to plan some goals by which you can know the work you doing is helping you or not. Here are some general recommendations for different goals:
If your goal is to tighten and tone muscles:
• Focus on increasing reps, decreasing rest, and changing exercises frequently
• Train each muscle group twice per weight
• Perform fewer sets of many different exercises
If your goal is to increase strength and power:
• Focus on increasing weighing
• Train each muscle group once every 7-10 days
• Perform multiple sets of each exercise approximately 2-5 sets per exercise
If your goal is to increase muscle size:
• Focus on shocking muscles by changing variables frequently (exercises, set and rep schemes rest time, etc)
• Train each muscle group on a variable schedule. Experiment by training a muscle group 3 times a week and then once every ten days.
• Perform multiple sets for a while and then perform single sets for a week or two.
Eating to gain muscle mass, power and strength is ridiculously simple. Remember the simple things in life are the things that usually work. Complicated issues like measuring every morsel of food are at best an inefficient way of gaining muscle mass.
A very important aspect of being able to build muscle, aside from doing the exercise, is to be consistent in your efforts. Building an impressive physique involves persistence and determination, but no matter what anyone says, it is well within your ability & if you have decided that you have to be a smart one than you will be.
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Build Perfect Physique

Muscle Builder - Build Perfect Physique


Bodybuilding is the process of developing muscle fibers through the combination of weight training, increased caloric intake, and rest. Bodybuilding originated from the Greeks believe it or not. Their basic idea was to celebrate the human body and it's functions. Back then, however, it was much different than it is now. They weren't so concerned with symmetry, just being massive and strong. Today's
idea of being symmetrical along with being massive and strong stems from the Victorian ages. Now, bodybuilding and strength training is considered mainly for health reasons and just to look good.
The easiest way to assure both proper energy before your workout and to replenish that glycogen afterwards is to consume a whole food nutrition supplement both before and after a workout.
Nutrition is by far the most important factor and is almost always responsible for either success or failure in bodybuilding and most fitness programs. Although very complex, a basic understanding can guide anyone in the right direction. As you progress in your bodybuilding and fitness programs and gain further understanding of the relationship between performance,
recovery and nutrition, you'll be able to find certain nutritional strategies and manipulations that will help drive you to new heights.
In order to add muscle tissue you must force the body to add it. Your body won't just add a pound of muscle just because you followed a 3-set workout that you read about in Muscle + Fitness. You need to give the body a reason to make improvements in the case add muscle tissue. You have to provide what I call a 'stimulus'. This can be done in many ways and I'll address a few in just a moment. Basically, you need to force the body to add muscle by subjecting it to levels of stress it is not used to. Some methods are more obvious than others but all can work. Here are a few examples of how this can be done effectively.
First, the basic and common methods:
1. Increase weight or resistance 2. Perform more repetitions 3. Perform more sets 4. Move the resistance slower 5. Rest less between sets and exercises
The key to Building Muscle is diet and exercise. Exercise will improve your muscle tone, help you control your weight, reduce your blood pressure, help prevent heart disease, and it will improve the functioning of almost every one of your essential systems, from digestion to sleep. The amount of exercise you do depends on the shape you are in, and what you believe your ideal physique to be. When creating a muscle building regimen, it is important to keep in mind your level of weight training experience. If you do not have a great deal of experience it is important to ease into a weight training routine. As a rule of thumb, three to four workouts per week of at least thirty minutes should keep you healthy. It is essential to do research, or consult a nutritionist when figuring out a diet which will support you in building muscle. A well balanced diet is crucial when building muscle.
"The key is to stimulate muscle growth with the least amount of training in the shortest period of time."
Remember, if you have not stimulated enough muscle mass in a workout session, all the excess calories consumed are either excreted or deposited as body fat. Studies indicate that 95 percent of trainees simply don’t train hard enough to warrant an appreciable and consistent size and strength increase on a workout by workout basis. And yet they still continue to eat big to get big. Let me point out that you will get big if you eat big but it is often fat and not lean muscle mass. You don’t need 6-7 meals a day to build muscle and minimize the deposit of body fat. In fact, all that really matters is that total calories consumed in a day must exceed your Basal Metabolic rate
The essence of body building can be summarized as follows: feed the muscles enough calories to help the growth process and no more. “More is not always better”. Consuming more calories than what is necessary to serve the growth process causes your body to work harder to digest food and misuses valuable energy that could be better used to serve the growth process. The rest of the excess calories are usually turned into body fat and/or excreted. If we stimulate five pounds of muscle per training session and our next workout is 3 weeks away we need only 3000 calories in a space of three weeks to serve the growth purpose. Now when you divide 3000 calories by 21 days you have a little over 145 calories a day.
To do bodybuilding or any task you have to plan some goals by which you can know the work you doing is helping you or not. Here are some general recommendations for different goals: If your goal is to tighten and tone muscles: • Focus on increasing reps, decreasing rest, and changing exercises frequently • Train each muscle group twice per weight • Perform fewer sets of many different exercises If your goal is to increase strength and power: • Focus on increasing weighing • Train each muscle group once every 7-10 days • Perform multiple sets of each exercise approximately 2-5 sets per exercise If your goal is to increase muscle size: • Focus on shocking muscles by changing variables frequently (exercises, set and rep schemes rest time, etc) • Train each muscle group on a variable schedule. Experiment by training a muscle group 3 times a week and then once every ten days. • Perform multiple sets for a while and then perform single sets for a week or two. Eating to gain muscle mass, power and strength is ridiculously simple. Remember the simple things in life are the things that usually work. Complicated issues like measuring every morsel of food are at best an inefficient way of gaining muscle mass.
A very important aspect of being able to build muscle, aside from doing the exercise, is to be consistent in your efforts. Building an impressive physique involves persistence and determination, but no matter what anyone says, it is well within your ability & if you have decided that you have to be a smart one than you will be. also visit